ABS Fund Accounting |
True Integration for simplicity and accuracy |
Real-time financial results for your local government or utility. |
ABS Fund Accounting provides you with accurate, up-to-date reports to let you know where you stand, all at the touch of a button.
Fund Accounting made simple. |
Enter transactions only once into the integrated modules for real-time financial statements in Fund Accounting.
Real-time posting of Utility Billing, Accounts Payable and Payroll transactions into Fund Accounting.
Fund Statement reports show the bank balances along with the assets and liabilities for each Fund. |
True Fund Accounting, with real time integration, operates on either a Cash or Accrual basis.
Individual GL accounts can be printed for any period and list the transaction detail for that account. |
Standard Chart of Accounts can be modified or enter your own CofA for an unlimited number of Funds.
Revenue and Expense reports by Fund show the surplus or deficit for the month or by the year. |
View, work and print reports in multiple years. |
Includes Bank Reconcile to cross-check transactions. |
A modern accounting system that meets the highest standards. |
Organize your financial information in one place for easy access.
Real time transfers from all the modules create complete financial reports without additional posting.
Comply with `Generally Accepted Accounting Practice` standards with built-in audit trails. |
Funds are individually budgeted. Budget and budget-to-actual reports keep spending under control.
Classic GAAP accounting system was developed specifically for utilities and local governments. |
Minimize mistakes and time needed to reconcile different billing and financial software systems. |
Save money with financial reports that simplify reporting and tax preparation by your CPA. |
Payables simplified. |
ABS Accounts Payable simplifies paying invoices, managing vendor information and providing real-time financial reports by Fund.
Set up Vendors with detailed information and default accounts. History of invoices, payments and credits is maintained across fiscal years. |
Range of reports include Aging Reports, applied payment reports, checks by GL code, payments by Fund and Vendor history for any date range. |
Print computer check batches, single checks and manual checks from multiple banks. |
Payables integrate with General Ledger for Fund Balance and Budget to Actual reports in real time. |
Easily allocate expenses to different funds with a single invoice.
All reports can be previewed and exported to spreadsheet and PDF files. |
Payroll simplified. |
Get payroll done faster and tax filing done for you with a modern platform and direct access to payroll experts. Powered by ADP.
Easy setup of salaried and hourly employees in multiple funds.
Create reports with earnings, tax totals, vacation, sick and personal time for any time period. |
Tracks employee hours, vacation, sick, personal time and deductions.
Quarterly and annual reporting done for you. |
General Ledger Interface updates Fund Accounting accounts for you.
Payroll taxes calculated, deducted and paid automatically for you. |
Direct Deposit pays employees quickly. On payday, pay is automatically deposited in each employee`s account.
Forms W-2 and 1099 created and sent automatically to your employees and contractors for you. |
Bank Reconcile is a check on the system. |
Deposits and checks in Bank Reconcile are matched to monthly bank statements to keep the financial system accurate.
When a transfer to General Ledger is done from any module, transactions are also transferred into the Bank Reconcile program.
Reconciling to the bank statement is simple: check off the checks and deposits reconciled through the bank each month. |
Payments are included in deposits and automatically transferred to Bank Reconcile when doing a transfer to General Ledger.
The `Bank Balance` matches the bank statement and the `Book Balance` matches the GL account for the bank. |
Reconciliation can be done for an unlimited number of banks setup in the accounting or fund accounting system.
Reconciling the deposits and checks with the bank statement provides a `reality check` for the financial system.
`I really like how I can see my revenue, usage and cash reports daily, monthly, annually from anywhere. It`s really convenient and setup was easy. I wanted to do something that was convenient ... ABS Utility Billing just works for me.` Sarah Seiger, Starlight Water Company |
Pricing |
Starting at $295 |
ABS Fund Accounting , including Accounts Payables, Payroll Integration and Bank Reconcile, for 100 connections. |
to see ABS Utility Billing in action. |
Get your questions answered and get a free quote.
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