Laton Community Services District
Committed to Providing Exceptional Water and Wastewater Services, as we Protect our Water Resources and Preserve our Environment.
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20798 S. Fowler Avenue
P.O. Box 447
Laton, CA 93242

Phone: (559) 923-4802
Fax: (559) 923-9501
News & Notices
Current News
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Laton Elementary School Cafeteria, 6065 East Latonia, Laton, CA 93242.

Laton Community Garbage Pick Up:
The community of Laton has its Brown and Blue garbage cans picked up every Friday morning between 5:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Laton Community Clean-Up Event:
The community spring clean-up event will be held on March 15, 2025, from 7:00 Am to 2:30 PM.

Laton Community Holiday Garbage Pick Schedule:
If your service day falls on or after the upcoming holiday, your services will be delayed by 1 day. Garbage pick-up will resume the regular service schedule the week following the holiday.
Download Clean-up Flyer >>
Download Garbage Pick-up Flyer >>
Currently no watering restrictions.
Senate Bill No. 272 - Enterprise Systems Catalog
Senate Bill No. 272, approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of enterprise systems by July 1, 2016, with annual updates.
New information technology has dramatically changed the way people search for and expect to find information in California.
This technology unlocked great potential for the government to serve the people it represents better. A recent study estimated that digitizing government data could generate one trillion dollars in economic value worldwide through cost savings and improved operational performance.
California plays a vitally important role in moving our nation forward in the world of technology. Just as the state`s thriving industry surges ahead, setting new standards for society, California must too.
As several nations, states, and cities have begun to embrace policies of online access to public sector data, they have enjoyed the benefits of increased operational efficiency and better collaboration. Here in California, cities across the state are turning internally gathered and maintained data into usable information for the public to access and leverage for the benefit of their communities.
In moving government to a more effective digital future, standards should be adopted to ensure that data collection and publication are standardized, including uniform definitions for machine-readable data. Online portals should also be developed to assist with public access to collected data.
With a public sector committed to success in the digital age, California`s residents and businesses will benefit from greater collaboration and integration, improved accountability, and increased productivity.
In making California government more accessible to the people of the state, paragraph (7) of subdivision (b) of Section 3 of Article I of the California Constitution requires local governments to comply with the California Public Records Act and with any subsequent statutory enactment amending that act and furthering that purpose.

Visit the California Legislature for more information on Senate Bill No. 272.

View how the Laton Community Services District is moving forward in the world of technology:
Catalog and Enterprise Systems Download Report Here >>
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